• AUGUST 16, 2012
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    Somali Pirates Captured and Sentenced as Bulk Freight and Container Shipping Warned to Stay Wary

      With the seizure of bulk freight and container shipping vessels much reduced in recent months due to the inclement weather, the adoption of Best Management Practices, the vigilance of an increased and more collaborative multinational naval presence and the siting of armed security personnel on merchant ships, there has been far less pirate activity

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    • AUGUST 16, 2012
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    China Vows Cooperation in Disputed Sea

      China is eager to encourage mutual cooperation in the conflict-ridden South China Sea, its ambassador to Indonesia said on Tuesday. Ambassador Liu Jianchao said Beijing was consistent in its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, despite the many overlapping maritime border claims with countries in the region. But China is also aware that

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    • AUGUST 16, 2012
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    Vehicle Queues At Merak Harbor

      MERAK: Lines of four-wheel vehicle crossing to Sumatra at 7.30 a.m have packed Merak Harbor parking area. Though way to Merak from Jakarta is relatively not crowded, it turns out the vehicle queues at the port of Merak has accumulated since dawn. In a matter of minutes, vehicle lanes buildup, reached 10 lanes and

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    • AUGUST 15, 2012
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    KKP to issue 47,000 land certificates to fishermen

      REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKAN BARU – The Fishery and Maritime Ministry (KKP) plans to issue a total of 47 thousand land certificates to fishermen during the 2011 to 2014 period, KKP Minister Sharif C Sutardjo said on Tuesday. “Issuing these land certificates is part of a business empowerment programme started by the KKP to legalize its assets

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    • AUGUST 15, 2012
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    Saab Sea Giraffe Naval Radar

      Naval Radar Experts Meet to Share Experiences and Suggest Improvements Users of the Saab Sea Giraffe naval radar are meeting this week in San Diego to share their experiences with the operation and support of the Sea Giraffe family of naval surveillance radars.  The radar is well suited for small combatants, and has been

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    • AUGUST 15, 2012
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    Pirated Dhow Disrupted By Counter Piracy Forces

      After a three day hunt by NATO and EU counter piracy forces, HNLMS Rotterdam in close cooperation with EU unit FGS Sachsen, has successfully disrupted a pirated dhow. This end game took place in the coastal waters of Somalia. The crew has been freed and is in good condition. The suspected pirates will be

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    • AUGUST 15, 2012
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    Australia says refugee boat missing with 67 people on board

      Canberra (ANTARA News/Reuters) – Great fears are held for 67 people, presumed to be asylum seekers, on board a boat that has been missing since it left Indonesia more than a month ago and may have sunk, Australian authorities said on Tuesday. The boat is the latest in a string of vessels to attempt

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