• JULY 5, 2012
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    Nato Shipping Center: Weekly Piracy Update-Reporting period: 28 June – 04 July 2012

      During the reporting period of 28 June to 04 July 2012 one Pirate Attack Group was disrupted in the region. Activity over the past two weeks shows that pirate activity can still take place during the South-West Monsoon and that pirates are operating closer to shore to avoid severe conditions further out to sea.

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    • JULY 5, 2012
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    Chinese Patrol Boats Arrive Nansha, Chase Vietnamese Vessel

      Four China Marine Surveillance ships arrive in disputed territorial waters off the Nansha Islands in the S. China Sea Patrolling and conducting surveys in the South China sea, the four China Marine Surveillance ships are there to highlight China’s claim of sovereignty and jurisdiction over the disputed waters. The florilla recently had an unexpeceted

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    • JULY 4, 2012
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    International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) mandatory from 1 July 2012

      Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to make mandatory the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) came into force on 1 July 2012, thereby enhancing the fire safety provisions onboard all ships. The 2010 FTP Code provides the international requirements for

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    • JULY 4, 2012
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    EU Naval Force Ship ITS Scirocco Assists a Vessel with Engine Failure

      On the morning of June 28th 2012, EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Italian Frigate Scirocco provided technical assistance to a tug type vessel which experienced an engine failure while sailing in international waters in the Gulf of Aden. In the evening on the 27th of June, ITS Scirocco was conducting a patrolling mission in

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    • JULY 4, 2012
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    Navy Repels Pirate Attack on Iranian Oil Tanker

      An attempt by pirates to hijack an Iranian oil tanker was foiled by the timely action of the Iranian Navy’s fleet of warships. Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Gholam Reza Khadem Biqam announced on Tuesday that the tanker was sailing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which connects the Red Sea to

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    • JULY 4, 2012
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    Danish Soldier Implicated in Death of 2 Pirate Hostages

      A Danish soldier is very likely to be held responsible by military prosecutors in the death of two mariners held hostage by Somali pirates. He was involved in stopping a pirate vessel off Somalia in February of this year. Prosecutors say the soldier, who opened fire at the hijacked Jelbut 37 ship in an

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    • JULY 3, 2012
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    Video Captures Armed Guards Firing at Pirates

      Bloomberg News Video Shows Onboard Security Team in Action Armed guards onboard the bulk carrier, AVOCET, fire at a skiff believed to be carrying pirates. The Marshall Islands-flagged ship was sailing in the Indian Ocean when a skiff approached the ship’s starboard side. The armed guards we ordered to fire warning shots at the skiff.

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